Kelli Foster
Director of Business Development
Kelli Foster is Caveon’s Director of Business Development and is dedicated to developing cutting-edge practices that elevate traditional exam development and exam delivery services to a new level by emphasizing security through innovation and design.
With 36 years in the testing industry, Kelli Foster is trusted by those who have worked with her and is known as an innovator. In her previous role as director of Caveon’s Secure Exam Development and Support℠ (CSEDS) team, Kelli pushed exam development to become the vehicle by which other security solutions are realized. Through Item pool expansion (cloning) practices, watermarking of exam items, and adapting traditional item types to types that are more “security resilient”, CSEDS services are employed to help detect, deter and protect valuable exams and correct the situation when test fraud is discovered.
Prior to Caveon, Kelli designed and developed exams in both education and in high-stakes certification programs. While involved in exam development, she also taught at Brigham Young University for several years. Her experience in exam development and teaching coupled with her interest in learning theory has made her uniquely qualified to create exam development systems and processes that produce quality exams that measure what they are intended to measure.