Our experienced exam development experts and psychometricians provide a wide range of solutions to build reliable, valid, and fair high-quality exams.


Why Hire Professionals to Develop Your Exams?
Caveon’s exam development experts blend flawless fundamentals with innovative technology and techniques to build exceptional exams.
Foundations Are Critical
The quality of your exams is the foundation of your testing program. Whether you’re large or small, your exams must be built with care and precision in order to serve as a strong foundation for the valid use of the scores they produce.
Experience Makes a Massive Difference
Writing psychometrically-sound, valid, and fair tests is not as easy as it sounds. Build your exams in partnership with a team of award-winning item and test development experts and psychometric consultants—who will ensure the validity, accuracy, and defensibility of your exams.
Get the Best Out of Valuable SMES
SMEs (subject matter experts) are typically not testing professionals. Their time is valuable, and it shouldn’t be spent navigating exam design and production. Our team knows how to get the best out of those content experts, minimizing the time they’re needed to contract on a project.
Embrace Innovation Without the Risks
The Caveon exam development team are experts in security innovations in testing. We push the boundaries of traditional exam design, utilizing AI, innovative item types (DOMC™, SmartItem™), and secure exam designs (CAT, LOFT, Performance) to create the very best exams for your program.

What we offer:
Exam Development & Management
Our team of psychometric specialists works with you to build exemplary exams.
We provide end-to-end project management throughout your exam development process.
Our psychometric consultants thoroughly review your tests to ensure your items are consistent with your style guide and follow standards-based practices for a high-quality, secure, and legally-defensible exam.
We’ll help you define your minimally qualified candidate (MQC), including a detailed list of required experience, training, KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities), and what will be within and out of scope to test on the exam.
Our test developers will design an exam blueprint that specifies the key content areas, defines measurable exam objectives, and establishes the difficulty level for each item.
We’ll leverage our purpose-built AI blueprinting tool to build a high-quality blueprint around your unique exam content.
Our psychometricians guide your SMEs through the process of writing, editing, and reviewing quality, psychometrically sound items that are congruent with your blueprint.
Our award-winning AI Item Writer can synthesize complex content areas into reviewable, publishable items incredibly fast.
We will build balanced exam forms based on the objectives, item difficulty, and data provided during the standards-setting process.
While your SMEs review and individually rate each item, our EDM will review the data and facilitate a discussion to set the exam’s cutscore.
We facilitate a review of all items to ensure they are congruent with the objective, accurate, relevant, and of the appropriate difficultly level (CARD).
We will perform a quality assurance check, submit status reports, and coordinate with your third-party vendors (if necessary) to prepare your exam for publication.
We’ll help you prepare practice and sample test items to allow candidates to view and answer questions that are similar to the ones that will be on the actual exam.
Security-Enhanced Development
Build self-protecting items and exams with secure test design and development.
We work with your team to develop clones of existing items to expand your item bank.
We build exams with built-in security benefits like computerized adaptive tests and linear-on-the-fly testing. We also leverage proprietary designs to build virtually unstealable exams.
Using our proprietary items, SmartItem and DOMC, our team can elevate a standard item from mediocre and vulnerable to sophisticated and impenetrable.
A better way to test– stop all forms of test theft, prevent most cheating, and extend the lifespan of your items by using randomly parallel test design.
We’ll train your SMEs to develop items that will produce various versions, which in turn prevents and deters fraud, reduces content exposure, and promotes fairness. (Learn more about the SmartItem and Discrete Option Multiple Choice™)
Our psychometricians and test developers always design a security-focused exam to achieve your desired results by identifying the most secure item formats to use for your exam content.
We will work with your SMEs to create a unique type of item template in Caveon Scorpion™ that can produce hundreds of variants.
We’re well versed in building exams that measure a candidate’s ability to work in technical environments or with special equipment.
Exam Audits &
We deliver specialized support for your ever-changing exam development needs.
We’ll ensure your exam questions align with their corresponding training courses.
We’ll conduct a psychometric review of statistical data and candidate comments to determine which items and objectives need to be revised or removed.
We’ll provide a style guide to establish a common language, look, feel, and set of protocols that are customized specifically for your needs and preferences.
Our psychometric consultants and test developers conduct an independent and thorough review of items that you or another vendor created to ensure they follow standards-based practices and style guidelines.
We can design and deliver customized training for your team, covering each step in the exam development process.
Our skilled EDMs and psychometric consultants provide expert recommendations and guidance throughout your exam development process, ensuring reliable, fair, and high-quality assessments.
Our development manager will work with your SMEs to develop a repository of exam items in various formats.
We will design and develop your pre- and post-exam survey questions to collect actionable data from candidates.
Ready to Talk With an Exam Security Expert?
Reach out and tell us about your organization’s needs today!
“We chose Caveon because not only do they have a fantastic software platform for content creation and delivery, they also have an in-house psychometrics team that assisted with content development.
“Once we signed up, we were immediately matched with their psychometric and training teams who were able to assist us in utilizing Scorpion in a very unique way. Their teams never wavered in face of the challenges we brought to them, and they remained very hands-on throughout implementation.
“We’ve found a great tool and team with Caveon, and we’re really excited about the quality. The innovative approach Caveon takes to item creation, item types, and maintaining content and delivery security is unmatched in their industry.”,
We’re award-winning.
Our psychometric consultants and exam development experts have won multiple awards for building innovative exams using SmartItem and DOMC technology, creating stunning performance exams, and using an AI-enhanced process to build awe-inspiring assessments.
We fit your needs and budget.
We offer tailored solutions to meet (and usually exceed) virtually every exam development challenge. Whatever your use case, our team is happy to develop a custom and affordable solution to meet your needs.
We provide exceptional service.
Our team works as your partner, absorbing your unique challenges and goals, to become a trusted advisor throughout your exam’s lifespan—from inception through delivery, to maintenance, and beyond.
We innovate.
You won’t find an exam development team more willing to come up with new, modern ways to create the very best exams, across all fields and disciplines, that produce scores with real value to your stakeholders.
Additional Resources
How Zendesk Used Training and Certification to Promote Inclusion
“AI Item Writer” Wins 2024 Innovation Award
The History, Evolution, & Future of Multiple Choice Tests
Implementing Chameleon Clones to Enhance Exam Security
What Is Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)?
Constructing Test Items (Guidelines & 7 Common Item Types)
The Ultimate Guide to Automated Item Generation
A New Format for Multiple Choice Testing
An Analysis of the DOMC Item Type
Explore More Exam Security Services
AI Enhanced Exam Development
Supercharge your exam creation with AI-powered test development tools to revolutionize the blueprinting, item writing, and alignment processes for your exams.
Security-Enhanced Exam Development
Our team harnesses innovative, proprietary exam designs and item types to make your exams practically impossible to subvert, extending their shelf life and protecting their validity.
Ready to Talk With an Exam Security Expert?
Reach out and tell us about your organization’s needs today!