Academic Admissions
Exams are valuable tools for assessing academic admissions candidates. Our goal at Caveon is to ensure the right people are getting the right opportunities and that no one is gaming the system for an unfair advantage. We help you to build and maintain public trust in your exams.


Know Whether (And Where) Your Content Is Being Shared Online
Is your exam content being shared and discussed online or in social media forums? Our team of expert web monitors leverages both technology and human expertise to identify, prioritize, and monitor key locations where admission candidates may be sharing sensitive test information. We provide prioritized risk assessments and actionable recommendations to maintain the validity of your exams.
Isolate Fraudulent Exam Scores
It’s not enough to simply know that cheating is occurring. To mitigate the damage, we must isolate and treat the problem. Our Data Forensics and investigations experts can help you identify those individuals who have attempted to unfairly raise their scores. We then help you appropriately and defensibly interpret and act on those findings—from canceling a score to pursuing legal action.

Identify and Prevent Proxies
Are proxy test takers (professionals-for-hire or AI bots) infiltrating your exam administrations and earning superior test scores on someone else’s behalf? Data Forensics results and investigative measures can help you pinpoint proxies and the candidates who employ them, halting proxy test takers in their tracks.
Ensure Public Trust in Your Test Scores
When news breaks that an academic admissions test has been gamed, it erodes public trust in assessments as a tool for determining whether an individual deserves a real-world benefit from their score. This is unfair. Assessments are one of the most impactful and effective tools to assess an admissions pool but only if people cannot cheat and only if the public can trust those scores. Comprehensive security planning can restore and maintain validity in your scores and build public trust in the utility of admissions programs.

Which Caveon Services Benefit Admissions Programs?
Web and Social Media Monitoring
Caveon Web Patrol® leverages technology, tools, and human expertise to identify, prioritize, and monitor online locations where admissions candidates may be sharing sensitive test information. Our experts provide updates with prioritized risk assessments and actionable recommendations to maintain the validity of your exams.
Data Forensics
Shine a light on suspicious patterns in your testing data to detect potential instances of fraud. Caveon Data Forensics℠ scientists analyze your testing data using a suite of proprietary statistics, then provide a comprehensive report and expert support on interpret and act on the findings.
Security Audits
It’s critical to identify the risks your admissions program faces, in which areas, and at what potential cost. To keep your program safe and your test results valid, our Caveon Security Audit℠ provides a full and independent, impartial review of your test security policies and procedures, complete with recommendations for improvement and guidance on how to best mitigate your security threats.
Rapid Item Pool Expansion
Caveon supports rapid item pool expansion through our award-winning AI Item Writer, security-enhancing Chameleon Clones, and our easy-to-use AIG tool. In the event of content exposure or a security breach, a large item bank can be deployed to address the problem of pre-knowledge. Boost your program’s development speed and enjoy long-term cost savings.
Ready to Talk With an Exam Security Expert?
Reach out and tell us about your organization’s needs today!