Licensure exam validity is critical, not just to candidates who require a license to practice in their chosen fields, but also to the public. Our experts ensure that only qualified individuals are allowed to practice in society’s most high-stakes and important fields.

We offer exam security solutions to fit your needs and budget.
Whether you are licensing engineers, educators, surveyors, social workers, or clinical therapists, Caveon has the appropriate solutions to ensure your program’s security.

We offer a comprehensive suite of exam security solutions.
Do you have the right policies and procedures in place to keep your exams secure, detect cheating, or respond in the event of a security breach? Work with our test security experts to audit your procedures, build a robust security handbook, establish an incident response plan, examine your testing data, and so much more.
We do the hard work of traversing the web for your exposed exam content.
Braindump sites, proxy test-taking services, and dedicated social media groups all exist with the explicit purpose of stealing exams as quickly as possible and selling them to your test takers. Licensure exams are especially vulnerable to this type of fraud. Our expert Web Patrollers scour key areas across the internet for evidence of your exposed intellectual property. We can also get ahead of the problem by helping you build security directly into your exam.

We flag and review suspicious exam scores.
It is not enough to simply know that cheating is occurring. To mitigate the damage, we must isolate and treat the problem. Our data forensics and investigations experts can help you identify those individuals who have attempted to unfairly raise their scores (and confirm which candidates have achieved their scores honestly). We then help you appropriately and defensibly interpret and act on these findings—from canceling a score to pursuing legal action.
We help you navigate AI-related threats to security.
Caveon is constantly tracking new technologies and evolving trends in exam theft and cheating. This enables us to build appropriate solutions to combat these threats and protect your program. The use of AI in aiding cheating is always evolving, and we deploy data-proven solutions to confront it. Our exam security and data scientists are dedicated to the task of understanding emerging technological threats and creating solutions designed to prevent, deter, detect, and react to these threats.

Which security services do licensure programs use to protect their exams?
Independent Security Audit
Identify the risks you face, in which areas, and at what potential cost. Make sure you have the correct security solutions in place. To keep your program safe and your test results valid, our Security Audit provides an independent, impartial review of your test security policies and procedures.
Data Forensics
Shine a light on suspicious patterns in your testing data to detect potential instances of fraud. Caveon Data Forensics℠ scientists analyze your testing data using a suite of proprietary statistics, then provide a comprehensive report and expert support on interpreting and acting on the findings.
Web and Media Monitoring
Web Patrol® leverages technology, tools, and human expertise to identify, prioritize, and monitor online locations where examinees may be sharing sensitive exam information. Our experts provide updates with prioritized risk assessments and actionable recommendations to maintain the validity of your exams.
Breach Recovery
Caveon assists in deploying the appropriate response when you uncover instances of cheating, test theft, or exam exposure. Quickly rewrite items using cloning or AI, republish compromised forms or exams, conduct thorough investigations, and a variety of other solutions to promptly address any issues.
Ready to Talk With an Exam Security Expert?
Reach out and tell us about your organization’s needs today!