Our team harnesses innovative, proprietary exam designs and item types to make your exams practically impossible to subvert, extending their shelf life and protecting their validity.


Why is Secure Exam Design Important?
The testing industry faces some serious challenges—rampant fraud, the effects of testwiseness, and an uneven and often unfair playing field. Secure exam design is the solution—and we are the only team that can make it happen.
Stop Your Exam Content From Being Stolen or Overexposed
The fewer eyes that see your content, the longer your exam’s usable lifespan, and the fewer people who can cheat using pre-knowledge. Whether by dramatically reducing exposure rates or by removing the negative effects of theft altogether, secure exam designs make stealing and exposing your content impractical to impossible.
Proactively Prevent Almost All Cheating
By using our proprietary technologies, you can ensure that examinees can no longer cheat by sharing content, buying questions and answers, or asking a friend to take the test and share what they saw. Exams using SmartItem™ technology and DOMC™ items make it impossible to prosper by stealing items or sharing content online, pulling the rug out from under cheaters and braindump sites.
Curb Ballooning Test Development Costs
The costs of damage control and redevelopment after a security breach or content theft can be financially draining for any program. Our secure exam development methods have been proven to reduce redevelopment costs by extending the useable lifespan of your exams—sometimes indefinitely. The longer the lifespan, the further your budget can stretch to meet your program’s goals.
Improve the Fairness of Your Exams
Secure exam design goes a long way to enhance the fairness of your exams and level the playing field for your test takers. It eliminates the two largest sources of unfairness: testwiseness and cheating. Utilizing secure exam design often comes with accessibility advantages as well, ultimately making exams more fair for children, older persons, those with test anxiety, those who lack “testing skills,” people testing in non-native languages, and more.

What we offer:
SmartItem Technology
The SmartItem—an innovation in education and self-protecting items—uses special technology during the development process to appear differently each time it is administered.
SmartItem technology has been proven to:
- Bolster overall test security
- Reduce the effects of testwiseness and pre-knowledge on test scores
- Disrupt ballooning development costs
- Make testing more accessible and fair
Discrete Option Multiple Choice™
Discrete Option Multiple Choice (DOMC) is the long-awaited makeover for the multiple-choice item type. With DOMC, options are randomly presented, one at a time.
DOMC is proven to:
- Promote fairness
- Prevent and deter many types of test fraud
- Provide more accurate and useful test scores
- Save money and time by reducing content exposure
Ready to Talk With an Exam Security Expert?
Reach out and tell us about your organization’s needs today!

“SmartItems are invulnerable to cheating and theft, relieving SailPoint of the same security concerns that have plagued every other IT certification program for the past three decades.”
It’s not just theoretical…
Clients love it.
Clients who’ve used our proprietary technologies for secure exam development have no regrets. In fact, some are still using the same SmartItem exams—6 years later—with none of the content exposed.
Research proves it.
Research conducted not just by Caveon, but by universities around the globe (University of Massachusetts Amherst, University Of Dusseldorf, and more) has illustrated the many benefits of these technologies.
Awards recognize it.
Being an early adopter pays off. Not only have they no regrets, but several of our clients who have utilized these innovations have won awards for their innovative and effective tests.
Theory backs it.
Secure test design and the concept of Randomly Parallel Tests are nothing new, they were first introduced as the ideal test design by luminary Fredrick Lord in 1955. Now we finally have the technology to make that ideal a reality.
More About SmartItems and DOMC
Testing programs have already adopted and love them. They're fun to develop. They’re long-lasting and strong. They’re fair. More importantly, the scientific research results reflect all of that.
How Okta Won with Threat-based Security: A Case Study
The SmartItem™ on SailPoint Certification Exams
The History, Evolution, & Future of Multiple Choice Tests
Implementing Chameleon Clones to Enhance Exam Security
The Discrete Option Multiple Choice (DOMC) Test Item
Randomly Parallel Tests (Annotated Bibliography)
How to Build and Design a Super Secure Online Test
What Is Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)?
The SmartItem Case Study Evidence
The SmartItem Data Simulation Evidence
A New Format for Multiple Choice Testing
An Analysis of the DOMC Item Type
An Experimental Validation of Sequential Multiple-Choice Tests
A Psychometric Model for DOMC Items
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Exam Development Solutions
Experienced exam development experts and psychometricians provide a wide range of solutions to build reliable, valid, and fair high-quality exams.
AI Enhanced Exam Development
Supercharge your exam creation with AI-powered test development tools to revolutionize the blueprinting, item writing, and alignment processes for your exams.
Ready to Talk With an Exam Security Expert?
Reach out and tell us about your organization’s needs today!