A K-12 Test Administration Monitoring Case Study
How can you know if your exam is being administered properly or if the test administrators and test takers are following the rules? The answer is simple. The only effective method for understanding whether or not your test security policies are working and your exam is secured during administration—is to be there when it happens.
Caveon Real-Time Monitoring makes this possible. We provide a set of expert eyes during test administration, giving you the security benefits and peace-of-mind that come from being “in the roomj” when a test is given.
The Security Benefits:
- Detects irregularities and security vulnerabilities.
- Provides valuable feedback about the effectiveness of test administration and security procedures.
- Results in actionable and relevant security improvements.
- Deters individuals attempting to commit test fraud.
- Allows immediate action by making results available through Caveon’s internet-based Incident Management platform, Caveon Core™.

The Situation
During the 2016 state assessments, a school was identified as having unusually high scores on the math portion of the test. Concerned about the validity of the scores and worried that security protocols hadn’t been followed, the SEA requested a data forensics review and a follow-up investigation. Unfortunately, these methods were not able to determine what led to the unusual results.
The following year, in an effort to ensure the validity of the state assessment and avoid a repeat of the unusual results, the SEA hired Caveon to conduct Real-Time Monitoring of the school and act as the SEA’s “eyes in the room” during the test’s administration.
The Outcome
During the course of monitoring, Caveon professionals observed several Test Administrators at the school as they subtly, but effectively coached students toward the correct answers to test questions.
The monitors quickly logged the information into Caveon’s internet-based test security platform, Caveon Core™, allowing the SEA to immediately receive the report and react to the situation as it was occurring in the classroom.
Within 24 hours, each of the identified Test Administrators was replaced and the remainder of testing was completed without incident.
The Impact
The observations made by Caveon monitors provided valuable information that wasn’t discoverable through data forensics or even through investigations.
Monitoring allowed the SEA to react in realtime to a security breach in the school, which minimized the potential consequences. Without Caveon monitors, student coaching would have continued, and it is likely that the students’ test scores would have been invalidated.
Real-time site monitoring is proactive. By providing “on the ground” information, you can immediately take action to preserve the integrity of state assessments and the validity of student scores.
With Caveon, you can be there when it happens.
Additional Resources
Be There When It Happens: A Monitoring Case Study
Test Security and Record and Review Proctoring
Security Boot Camp Workbook - Part 1: Preparedness
Security Boot Camp Workbook - Part 2: Technology
Security Boot Camp Workbook - Part 3: Evaluation
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